Die Welt

Übersetzung läuft

Much of the adventuring life is spent in dusty, forgotten tombs or in places of terror and life-threatening danger. It’s commonplace to awaken from a short and fitful rest still deep in the belly of the world and surrounded by foes. When the time comes to emerge from these places—whether laden with the spoils of battle or beaten and bloody—an adventurer seeks out safety and solace.

These are the comforts of civilization: a warm bath, a meal of mead and bread, the company of fellow men and elves and dwarves and halflings. Often thoughts of returning to these places are all that keep an adventurer from giving up altogether. All fight for gold and glory but who doesn’t ache for a place to spend that gold and laugh around a fire, listening to tales of folly and adventure?

This chapter covers the wider world—the grand and sweeping scope outside the dungeon. The always marching movement of the GM’s fronts will shape the world and, in turn, the world reflects the actions the players take to stop or redirect them.

Stätten (Steadings)

Wir nennen all die verschiedenen Gemeinschaften, Befestigungen usw. an denen es einen Ort zum Bleiben und eine Minimum an Zivilisation gibt Stätten, wie in "Heimstätten". Stätten sind Orte mit mindestens einer handvoll Bewohner, typischerweise Menschen sowie einigen stehenden Strukturen. Sie können so groß sein wie eine Hauptstadt oder so klein wie einige marode Hütten.

Die Welt erstellen

Remember how you started the first session? With action either underway or impending? At some point the characters are going to need to retreat from that action, either to heal their wounds or to celebrate and resupply.

When the players leave the site of their first adventure for the safety of civilization it’s time to start drawing the campaign map. Take a large sheet of paper (plain white if you like or hex-gridded if you want to get fancy), place it where everyone can see, and make a mark for the site of the adventure. Use pencil: this map will change. It can be to-scale and detailed or broad and abstract, depending on your preference, just make it obvious. Keep the mark small and somewhere around the center of the paper so you have space to grow.

Now add the nearest steading, a place the characters can go to rest and gather supplies. Draw a mark for that place on the map and fill in the space between with some terrain features. Try to keep it within a day or two of the site of their first adventure—a short trip through a rocky pass or some heavy woods is suitable, or a wider distance by road or across open ground.

When you have time (after the first session or during a snack break, for example) use the rules to create the first steading. Consider adding marks for other places that have been mentioned so far, either details from character creation or the steading rules themselves.

While You’re In Town…

When the players visit a steading there are some special moves they’ll be able to make. These still follow the fictional flow of the game. When the players arrive, ask them “What do you do?” The players’ actions will, more often than not, trigger a move from this list. They cover respite, reinvigoration, and resupply—opportunities for the players to gather their wits and spend their treasure. Remember that a steading isn’t a break from reality. You’re still making hard moves when necessary and thinking about how the players’ actions (or inaction) advances your fronts. The impending doom is always there, whether the players are fighting it in the dungeon or ignoring it while getting drunk in the local tavern.

Don’t let a visit to a steading become a permanent respite. Remember, Dungeon World is a scary, dangerous place. If the players choose to ignore that, they’re giving you a golden opportunity to make a hard move. Fill the characters’ lives with adventure whether they’re out seeking it or not. These moves exist so you can make a visit to town an interesting event without spending a whole session haggling over the cost of a new baldric.

Elements of a Steading

A steading is any bit of civilization that offers some amount of safety to its inhabitants. Villages, towns, keeps, and cities are the most common steadings. Steadings are described by their tags. All steadings have tags indicating prosperity, population, and defenses. Many will have tags to illustrate their more unusual properties. Steadings are differentiated based on size. The size indicates roughly how many people the steading can support. The population tag tells you if the current population is more than or less than this amount. Villages are the smallest steadings. They’re usually out of the way, off the main roads. If they’re lucky they can muster some defense but it’s often just rabble with pitchforks and torches. A village stands near some easily exploitable resource: rich soil, plentiful fish, an old forest, or a mine. There might be a store of some sort but more likely its people trade among themselves. Coin is scarce.

Towns have a hundred or so inhabitants. They’re the kind of place that springs up around a mill, trading post, or inn and usually have fields, farms, and livestock of some kind. They might have a standing militia of farmers strong enough to wield a blade or shoot a bow. Towns have the basics for sale but certainly no special goods. Usually they’ll focus on a local product or two and do some trade with travelers.

A keep is a steading built specifically for defense—sometimes of a particularly important location like a river delta or a rich gold mine. Keeps are found at the frontier edges of civilization. Inhabitants are inured to the day-to-day dangers of the road. They’re tough folks that number between a hundred and a thousand, depending on the size of the keep and the place it defends. Keeps won’t often have much beyond their own supplies, traded to them from nearby villages, but will almost always have arms and armor and sometimes a rare magical item found in the local wilds.

From bustling trade center to sprawling metropolis, the city represents the largest sort of steading in Dungeon World. These are places where folk of many races and kinds can be found. They often exist at the confluence of a handful of trade routes or are built in a place of spiritual significance. They don’t often generate their own raw materials for trade, relying on supplies from villages nearby for food and resources, but will always have crafted goods and some stranger things for sale to those willing to seek them.

Prosperity indicates what kinds of items are usually available. Population indicates the number of inhabitants relative to the current size of the steading. Defenses indicate the general scope of arms the steading has. Tags in these categories can be adjusted. -Category means to change the steading to the next lower tag for that category (so Moderate would become Poor with -Prosperity). +Category means to change the steading to the next higher tag (so Shrinking becomes Steady with +Population). Tags in those categories can also be compared like numbers. Treat the lowest tag in that category as 1 and each successive tag as the next number (so Dirt is 1, Poor is 2, etc.).

Tags will change over the course of play. Creating a steading provides a snapshot of what that place looks like right now. As the players spend time in it and your fronts progress the world will change and your steadings with it.

Adding Steadings

You add your first steading when you create the campaign map—it’s the place the players go to rest and recover. When you first draw it on the map all you need is a name and a location.

When you have the time you’ll use the rules below to create the steading. The first steading is usually a village, but you can use a town if the first adventure was closely tied to humans (for example, if the players fought a human cult). Create it using the rules below.

Once you’ve created the first steading you can add other places referenced in its tags (the oath, trade, and enmity tags in particular) or anywhere else that’s been referred to in play. Don’t add too much in the first session, leave blanks and places to explore.

As play progresses the characters will discover new locales and places of interest either directly, by stumbling upon them in the wild, or indirectly, by hearing about them in rumors or tales. Add new steadings, dungeons, and other locations to the map as they’re discovered or heard about. Villages are often near a useful resource. Towns are often found at the point where several villages meet to trade. Keeps watch over important locations. Cities rely on the trade and support of smaller steads. Dungeons can be found anywhere and in many forms.

Whenever you add a new steading use the rules to decide its tags. Consider adding a distinctive feature somewhere nearby. Maybe a forest, some old standing stones, an abandoned castle, or whatever else catches your fancy or makes sense. A map of only steadings and ruins with nothing in between is dull; don’t neglect the other features of the world.

Schlagwörter für Stätten

Wohlstand (Prosperity)

Pleite (Dirt): Es steht nichts zum Verkauf, niemand besitzt mehr als er unbedingt braucht (und hat schon Glück wenn er wenigstens das hat). Ungelernte Arbeit ist billig.

Arm (Poor): Nur das Notwendigste wird verkauft. Waffen sind sind rar wenn die Stätte nicht stark verteidigt wird oder militant ist. Ungelernte Arbeit ist leicht verfügbar.

Bescheiden (Moderate): Die meisten alltäglichen Gegenstände sind verfügbar. Es gibt einige Fachkräfte.

Wohlhabend (Wealthy): Alle alltäglichen Gegenstände werden hier angeboten. Die meisten Fachkräfte sind verfügbar, aber sie sind auch sehr gefragt.

Reich (Rich): Alltägliche Gegenstände udn mehr, wenn du weißt wie sie zu finden sind. Spezialisierte Fachkräfte sind verfügbar, aber zu einem hohen Preis.


Exodus: Die Stätte hat ihre Einwohner verloren und steht am Rande des Kollaps.

Schrumpfend (Shrinking): Die Einwohnerzahl ist geringer als sie einmal war. Gebäude stehen leer.

Beständig (Steady): Die Einwohnerzahl passt zur Größe deer Stätte. Mit leichtem Wachstum.

Wachsend (Growing): Mehr Leute als es Gebäude gibt.

Boomend (Booming): Die Ressourcen reichen gerade um mit der Menge an Leuten klar zu kommen.

Verteidigung (Defenses)

Keine (None): Keulen, Fackeln und Werkzeug für den Ackerbau.

Miliz (Militia): Es gibt fähige Männer und Frauen mit abgenutzten Waffen die sie ergreifen wenn es nötig wird, aber keine Stehenden Streitkräfte.

Wache (Watch): Es gibt einige Wächter auf Posten, die nach Ärger ausschaul halten und kleinere Probleme lösen, aber ihre Hauptaufgabe ist die Miliz aufzustellen.

Garde (Guard): Es gibt jederzeit eine Menge von weniger als 100 bewaffnete Verteidiger (oder etwas entsprechendes). Es gibt immer wenigstens eine bewaffnete Patroullie in der Stätte.

Garnison (Garrison): Es gibt jederzeit eine Menge von 100-300 bewaffnete Verteidiger (oder etwas entsprechendes). Es gibt mehrere bewaffnete Patroullien in der Stätte.

Battalion: Es gibt etwa 1000 bewaffnete Verteidiger (oder etwas entsprechendes). Die Stätte hat außerdem bemannte und gewartete Verteidigungsanlagen.

Legion: Die Stätte wird von tausenden bewaffneter Soldaten verteidigt (oder etwas entsprechendem). Die Verteidigungsanlagen der Stätte sind abschreckend.

Andere Schlagwörter (Other Tags)

Sicher (Safe): Probleme von außerhalb finden ihren Weg nicht hierher, es sei denn die Spieler bringen ihn mit. Idyllisch und oft versteckt, wenn die Stätte ein vorteilhaftes Schlagwort verlieren oder abwerten würde, verliert sie stattdessen dieses Schlagwort.

Religion: Die angegebene Gottheit wird hier verehrt.

Exotisch (Exotic): Es gibt hier Güter und Dienstleistungen, die sonst nirgendwo in der Nähe zu finden sind. Gib sie an.

Ressource (Resource): Die Stätte hat Zugang zu der aufgeführten Ressource (z.B. Gewürze, eine Art von Erz, Fische, Weintrauben). Diese Ressource ist bedeutend günstiger.

Bedarf (Need): Die Stätte hat einen akuten oder andauernden Bedarf an der aufgeführten Ressource. Diese Ressource ist bedeutend teurer.

Schwur (Oath): Diese Stätte hat einen Schwur geleistet an die angegebene Stätte. Dieser Schwur sind hauptsächlich Lehnstreue, Unterstützung, kann aber auch spezifischer sein.

Handel (Trade): Diese Stätte handelt regelmäßig mit der angegebenen Stätte.

Markt (Market): Jeder kommt hierher um zu handeln. An jedem aufgeführten Tag sind die verfügbaren Gegenstände weit über den Wohlstand der Stadt hinaus verfügbar. +1 auf Vorrat

Was +1 auf Vorrat bedeuten soll muss ich noch klären. Im Original heißt es "+1 to supply".

Feindschaft (Enmity): Diese Stätte hegt einen Groll gegen die angegebene Stätte.

Geschichte (History): Etwas wichtiges ist hier einmal passiert, wähle eines oder denke dir selbst was aus: Schlacht, Wunder, Mythos, Romanze, Tragödie.

Arkan (Arcane): Jemand vor Ort kann arkane Zaubersprüche gegen Bezahlung wirken. Dies scheint weitere arkane Zauberkundige anzulocken. Nimm +1 auf Rekrutieren, wenn du nach Adepten suchst.

Heilig (Divine): Es gibt eine wichtige Religiöse Präsenz, vielleicht eine Kathedrale oder Abtei. Dort können sie Heilung und sogar Tote wiederbeleben, gegen eine Spende oder die Erfüllung einer Queste. Nimm +1 auf Rekrutieren, wenn du nach Priestern suchst.

Gilde (Guild): Der angegebene Typ von Gilde ist hier sehr präsent (und üblicherweise auch sehr einflußreich). Wenn die Gilde zu einer Art Mietling passt, nimm +1 auf Rekrutieren für diese Art von Mietling.

Persönlichkeit (Personage): Es gibt eine bemerkenswerte Persönlichkeit die hier lebt. Gib ihr einen Namen und eine kurze Beschreibung warum sie bemerkenswert ist.

Zwergisch (Dwarven): Die Stätte ist weitgehend oder komplett zwergisch. Zwergische Güter sind häufiger und günstiger als sie normalerweise wären.

Elfisch (Elven): Die Stätte ist weitgehend oder komplett elfisch. Elfische Güter sind häufiger und günstiger als sie normalerweise wären.

Handwerk (Craft): Die Stätte ist für die herausragende Qualität der angegebenen Handwerkskunst bekannt. Gegenstäne dieser Kunst sind leichter erhältlich und von höherer Qualität als sonst irgendwo.

Gesetzlos (Lawless): Die Kriminalität ist außer Kontrolle. Die Autorität ist schwach.

Plage (Blight): Die Stätte hat wiederkehrende Probleme, für gewöhnlich eine Art Monster.

Macht (Power): Die Stätte besitzt irgendeine Art von Macht. Normalerweise politische, religiöse oder arkane Macht.

Steading Names

Graybark, Nook’s Crossing, Tanner’s Ford, Goldenfield, Barrowbridge, Rum River, Brindenburg, Shambles, Covaner, Enfield, Crystal Falls, Castle Daunting, Nulty’s Harbor, Castonshire, Cornwood, Irongate, Mayhill, Pigton, Crosses, Battlemoore, Torsea, Curland, Snowcalm, Seawall, Varlosh, Terminum, Avonia, Bucksburg, Settledown, Goblinjaw, Hammerford, Pit, The Gray Fast, Ennet Bend, Harrison’s Hold, Fortress Andwynne, Blackstone

Ein Dorf erstellen

By default a village is Poor, Steady, Militia, Resource (your choice) and has an Oath to another steading of your choice. If the village is part of a kingdom or empire choose one:

  • The village is somewhere naturally defended: Safe, -Defenses
  • The village has abundant resources that sustain it: +Prosperity, Resource (your choice), Enmity (your choice)
  • The village is under the protection of another steading: Oath (that steading), +Defenses
  • The village is on a major road: Trade (your choice), +Prosperity
  • The village is built around a wizard’s tower: Personage (the wizard), Blight (arcane creatures)
  • The village was built on the site of religious significance: Divine, History (your choice) Choose one problem:
  • The village is in arid or uncultivable land: Need (Food)
  • The village is dedicated to a deity: Religious (that deity), Enmity (a settlement of another deity)
  • The village has recently fought a battle: -Population, -Prosperity if they fought to the end, -Defenses if they lost.
  • The village has a monster problem: Blight (that monster), Need (adventurers)
  • The village has absorbed another village: +Population, Lawless
  • The village is remote or unwelcoming: -Prosperity, Dwarven or Elven

Eine Stadt erstellen

By default a town is Moderate, Steady, Watch, and Trade (two of your choice). If the town is listed as Trade by another steading choose one:

  • The town is booming: Booming, Lawless
  • The town stands on a crossroads: Market, +Prosperity
  • The town is defended by another steading: Oath (that steading), +Defenses
  • The town is built around a church: Power (Divine)
  • The town is built around a craft: Craft (your choice), Resource (something required for that craft)
  • The town is built around a military post: +Defenses

Choose one problem:

  • The town has grown too big for an important supply (like grain, wood, or stone): Need (that resource), Trade (a village or town with that resource)
  • The town offers defense to others: Oath (your choice), -Defenses
  • The town is notorious for an outlaw who is rumored to live there: Personage (the outlaw), Enmity (where the crimes were committed)
  • The town has cornered the market on a good or service: Exotic (that good or service), Enmity (a settlement with ambition)
  • The town has a disease: -Population
  • The town is a popular meeting place: +Population, Lawless

Eine Festung erstellen

By default a keep is Poor, Shrinking, Guard, Need (Supplies), Trade (someplace with supplies), Oath (your choice). If the keep is owed fealty by at least one settlement choose one:

  • The keep belongs to a noble family: +Prosperity, Power (Political)
  • The keep is run by a skilled commander: Personage (the commander), +Defenses
  • The keep stands watch over a trade road: +Prosperity, Guild (trade)
  • The keep is used to train special troops: Arcane, -Population
  • The keep is surrounded by fertile land: remove Need (Supplies)
  • The keep stands on a border: +Defenses, Enmity (steading on the other side of the border)

Choose one problem

  • The keep is built on a naturally defensible position: Safe, -Population
  • The keep was a conquest from another power: Enmity (steadings of that power)
  • The keep is a safe haven for brigands: Lawless
  • The keep was built to defend from a specific threat: Blight (that threat)
  • The keep has seen horrible bloody war: History (Battle), Blight (Restless Spirits)
  • The keep is given the worst of the worst: Need (Skilled Recruits)

Eine Großstadt erstellen

By default a city is Moderate, Steady, Guard, Market, and Guild (one of your choice). It also has Oaths with at least two other steadings, usually a town and a keep. If the city has trade with at least one steading and fealty from at least one steading choose one:

  • The city has permanent defenses, like walls: +Defenses, Oath (your choice)
  • The city is ruled by a single individual: Personage (the ruler), Power (Political)
  • The city is diverse: Dwarven or Elven or both
  • The city is a trade hub: Trade (every steading nearby), +Prosperity
  • The city is ancient, built on top of its own ruins: History (your choice), Divine
  • The city is a center of learning: Arcane, Craft (your choice), Power (Arcane)

Choose one problem:

  • The city has outgrown its resources: +Population, Need (food)
  • The city has designs on nearby territory: Enmity (nearby steadings), +Defenses
  • The city is ruled by a theocracy: -Defenses, Power (Divine)
  • The city is ruled by the people: -Defenses, +Population
  • The city has supernatural defenses: +Defenses, Blight (related supernatural creatures)
  • The city lies on a place of power: Arcane, Personage (whoever watches the place of power), Blight (arcane creatures)

Fronts on the Campaign Map

Your steadings are not the only thing on the campaign map. In addition to steadings and the areas around them your fronts will appear on the map, albeit indirectly.

Fronts are organizational tools, not something the characters think of, so don’t put them on the map directly. The orcs of Olg’gothal may be a front but don’t just draw them on the map. Instead for each front add some feature to the map that indicates the front’s presence. You can label it if you like, but use the name that the characters would use, not the name you gave the front.

For example, the orcs of Olg’gothal could be marked on the map with a burning village they left behind, fires in the distance at night, or a stream of refugees. Lord Xothal, a lich, might be marked by the tower where dead plants take root and grow.

As your fronts change, change the map. If the players cleanse Xothal’s tower redraw it. If the orcs are driven off erase the crowds of refugees.

Updating the Campaign Map

The campaign map is updated between sessions or whenever the players spend significant downtime in a safe place. Updates are both prescriptive and descriptive: if an event transpires that, say, gathers a larger fighting force to a village, update the tags to reflect that. Likewise if a change in tags mean that a village has a bigger fighting force you’ll likely see more armored men in the street.

Between each session check each of the conditions below. Go down the list and check each condition for all steadings before moving to the next. If a condition applies, apply its effects.


When a village or town is booming and its prosperity is above moderate you may reduce prosperity and defenses to move to the next largest type. New towns immediately gain market and new cities immediately gain guild (your choice).


When a steading’s population is in exodus and its prosperity is poor or less it shrinks. A city becomes a town with a steady population and +prosperity. A keep becomes a town with +defenses and a steady population. A town becomes a village with steady population and +prosperity. A village becomes a ghost town.


When a steading has a need that is not fulfilled (through trade, capture, or otherwise) that steading is in want. It gets either -prosperity, -population, or loses a tag based on that resource like craft or trade, your choice.


When trade is blocked because the source of that trade is gone, the route is endangered, or political reasons, the steading has a choice: gain need (a traded good) or take -prosperity.


When control of a resource changes remove that resource from the tags of the previous owner and add it to the tags of the new owner (if applicable). If the previous owner has a craft or trade based on that resource they now have need (that resource). If the new owner had a need for that resource, remove it.


When a steading has more trade than its current prosperity it gets +prosperity.


When a steading has a resource that another steading needs unless enmity or other diplomatic reasons prevent it they set up trade. The steading with the resource gets +prosperity and their choice of oaths, +population, or +defenses; the steading with the need erases that need and adds trade.


When a steading has oaths to a steading under attack that steading may take -defenses to give the steading under attack +defenses.


When a steading is surrounded by enemy forces it suffers losses. If it fights back with force it gets -defenses. If its new defenses are watch or less it also gets -prosperity. If it instead tries to wait out the attack it gets -population. If its new population is shrinking or less it loses a tag of your choice. If the steading’s defenses outclass the attacker’s (your call if it’s not clear, or make it part of an adventure front) the steading is no longer surrounded.


When a steading has enmity against a weaker steading they may attack. Subtract the distance (in rations) between the steadings from the steading with enmity’s defenses. If the result is greater than the other steading’s defenses +defense for each step of size difference (village to town, town to keep, keep to city) they definitely attack. Otherwise it’s your call: has anything happened recently to stoke their anger? The forces of the attacker embattle the defender, while they maintain the attack they’re -defenses.


When two steadings both attack each other their forces meet somewhere between them and fight. If they’re evenly matched they both get -defenses and their troops return home. If one has the advantage they take -defenses while the other takes -2 defenses.

Other Updates

The conditions above detail the most basic of interactions between steadings, of course the presence of your fronts and the players mean things can get far more complex. Since tags are descriptive, add them as needed to reflect the players’ actions and your fronts’ effects on the world.